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Neil Cowley


 The CWS1 and CWS3 grants are supplements to the countryside stewardship scheme (CSS) in the Uk that help manage deer and squirrel populations , these grants are part of the Environmental Land Management  scheme (ELM)


  • Helps control and manage deer populations 
  • Can be used in high-risk settings, such as near roads, public access, or neighboring properties 
  • Can help achieve effective deer management where deer are a threat to woodland regeneration or structure 
  • Helps control and manage grey squirrel populations 
  • Can be used in conjunction with the WD2 woodland improvement option 
  • Can help increase the population of native red squirrels 
  • Can help limit tree damage and support the biodiversity and structure of the site 

To apply for the WS3 grant, you can: 

  1. Work with your woodland or deer officer to create a Squirrel Control Plan (SCP)
  2. Email your SCP to your local woodland or deer officer by the end of year 1
  3. Take part in Grey Squirrel control training
  4. Erect the agreed number of traps within your woodland


GWD provides a comprehensive range of wildlife management solutions to Organisations, Estate & Forestry Owners, Rural Land Managers, and individuals. Our priority is to understand the needs of those that are focused on the protection, improvement, and expansion of our public and private woodlands.


GWD Currently focuses on The South and Southwest Regions of England with its own dedicated team of Wildlife Professionals.

GWD can extend that area of coverage as required to meet  requirements.

GWD recognises the requirement for wildlife management operations to be conducted as discreetly as possible, particularly in areas that have shared public access or  close proximity to public access. GWD works with Organisations to ensure that we meet their prescribed standards for welfare, environmental policy and in the best interests of the organisation.


GWD has a proven reputation for successfully and professionally carrying out wildlife management operations with demonstrable results. (References & Case Studies are available)


GWD consultancy can advise on specific requirements prior to engagement, additionally please find a list of our most commonly used services:


* Full package service for CWS1 and CWS3. (Areas already in the higher tier)

GWD will deliver and ensure compliance for supplements CWS1 and  CWS3


* GWD A.I.M consultancy package provides –

 Application process and completion for C WS1 & CWS3

 Implementation and development of the species management plan

 Managed services to procure, construct deer monitoring exclosures , effectively install and maintain traps or deterrents.



* Basic wildlife assessments – Understanding your wildlife species on site and identifying those that require management


* Control and prevention – Putting into place our mutually agreed strategic plan to effectively manage species requiring management


*  Day and Night Aerial drone surveys – Clearly identifying population behaviour & numbers in an environmentally friendly, safe, less invasive, and discreet manner.


*  Standard Deer / Squirrel surveys – Meeting the needs of the majority of organisations as a foundation requirement


* Population dynamics – Effective management of a species population for the improvement and welfare of the species and it’s environment


* Cull plans – A foundation service that allows GWD to flexibly work with an Organisation or Estate team to deliver an effective species management policy




Please see our attached Certifications Doc.


The GWD Leadership & Training Team are qualified

* Advanced deer management

* Dsc1

* Dsc2

* Wild Boar management certificate

* Squirrel control

* Humane dispatch

* First aid and forestry




All of our wildlife management operators have passed an additional GWD firearms handling and shooting course that exceeds the requirements of DSC1 shooting test and will have had extensive training /experience in the use of the latest thermal /digital/optics


  • Drone operators will hold all relevant licenses and insurance
  • All operators will have a working understanding of the Deer Act
  • All operators will work to the best practices
  • All ammunition will be non toxic




GWD Squirrel Management pricing:

Costings are calculated based upon the number of squirrel traps /types required and subject to agreement of maintenance package. GWD work to the costings provided by WS1 WS3 FY1,FG11, ,WD2


GWD consultancy will quickly evaluate the needs of your Organisation and Location. A full quotation and understanding of requirements document will be provided for sign off and contractual agreement prior to engagement and the implementation of a wildlife species management plan.